Shreyash Gaikwad

🚀 Welcome to my website!

I like making stuff and putting it on the internet

📜 About

I am Shreyash Gaikwad a software developer, specialising in the Frontend Web Development arena. For the last 2 years, I have been developing Websites using HTML/CSS,JAVASCRIPT,XML,REACT.JS ETC As a teenager at school, I was the kid other students approached about issues with their phone or laptop. I was the go-to guy for fixing any technical problems.Today, not much has changed. I’m still the first point of call for technical issues. The difference is I now also develop innovative software to solve the problems. To expand my Knowledge i trying to learn new technologies related to web development.

👩🏽‍🚀 Projects



Python,C++, Web Tech(HTML/CSS & JavaScript.) MySQL.


VsCode,Pycharm,Linux, Microsoft Office, Git.

Soft Skills:

Time Management, Teamwork, Problem‑solving, Documentation,Leadership,Communication.

The best way out is always through
-Robert Frost


Video Games🎮

I always had the gaming gene. I mostly play on my phone and occasionally on my switch.


Daily Morning workout to live healthy life.


I enjoy almost all types of music may it be screamo, punk rock, bluegrass, pop, psychedelic, rap.


I started swimming when I was 12. Going through submerged things while holding my breath was the most exciting part.

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